28 Ağustos 2014 Perşembe

T-ara’s Eunjung Sheds 10 Kilograms through Strict Pilates Training

T-ara‘s Eunjung recently displayed her beautiful and healthy body in a fitness photo spread for bnt International. Over the past six months, she shed 10 kg through a strict diet and training both through pilates and a personal trainer.

The T-ara member said that if she regarded this training as ordinary weight loss training, she would have described it as rigorous and difficult, but because she approached the training with an appreciation for her body and mind, she saw this experience as rather pleasant and enjoyable.
The staffs in witness praised and complimented her for her hard work and the successful results; seeing Eunjung execute the movements and poses with ease and with little supervision, they could tell how hard she worked.
Eunjung stated that before the training, she often shared her concerns of her body image with her stylist, but after achieving a beautiful posture and body figure through pilates, she is now more satisfied with her looks in the outfits she wears. She said she feels lighter and flexible, and that her body does not feel strained at all from the difficult movements and poses.
Meanwhile, Eunjung is preparing for T-ara’s impending comeback, which will take place in the last week of August.
red ball

cr: soompi

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