18 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi

4Minute's Gayoon weight loss transformation

4Minute's Gayoon was never fat, but she did lose a lot of weight last year. Being already slim to begin with, she looked somewhat awkward after her 8kg weight-loss back in 2013. In fact, fans said she lost weight because she was recovering from her jaw surgery at the time and couldn't eat apparently.

Right now Gayoon is still thin but this year she voiced her concerns about her weight:
"I had quite a lot of popularity in Brazil when I was plump.  However, after losing weight, that popularity dissipated.  I think I'm going to need to gain weight again.
I guess the thing about Gayoon is that she has very thin bones (she is known for her "nano ankles") that's why in the "after" photos she looks so skinny.

So, here's Gayoon "Before and After" (successful) weight loss history:

As she said it herself, when she was "plump" 

Right after weight loss, in 2013. She looked frail, imo.

Gayoon NOW, 2014:
She regained a little bit of weight but still looks skinny. 
It wasn't easy finding photos of Gayoon showing her body because she usually wears baggy clothes...

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