24 Haziran 2015 Çarşamba

AOA Mina's waist revealed to be 17.9 inches

Article: The smallest girl group ant waist? AOA Mina records 17.9 inches

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+7,106, -94] 17.9 ???????? Are her organs all safe in there??

2. [+4,671, -91] Daebak... she must literally be skin and bones..

3. [+3,985, -85] Is this even possible??...

4. [+3,247, -582] That's crazy, is she even human;; I want a waist like that

5. [+495, -20] That's why you shouldn't look down on celebrities... they eat once a day to manage their weights, talk about torture..

6. [+486, -40] 17.9 inches... it's nothing to be proud of, she's starving her body. She should cut back on the dieting.

7. [+453, -17] The number's still amazing even if you consider that she sucked in her breath

8. [+449, -29] This is nothing to be proud of.. I assure you it's not good for her health..

9. [+422, -37] This is possible??? I'm thin and have a small waist but I'm still 23 inches.. she's 6 inches thinner than me ㅋㅋ how is that even possible ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+354, -23] I don't think this has anything to do with dieting, her waist is just abnormally thin;;; imagine her body line in tight clothes

11. [+330, -9] Wow, even Goo Hara is 20 inches... 17.9 is just crazy

12. [+321, -43] I'd rather Seolhyun's body over someone too thin

13. [+236, -12] Isn't this Guinness record worthy?

14. [+233, -10] Maybe she never eats... that's a waist that you can't get no matter how hard you work out.

15. [+121, -6] 17.9 is past the point of being surprising but worrying... does their agency not feed them?


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