24 Haziran 2015 Çarşamba

Soyu reveals her secret to losing 8 kg

Article: SISTAR Soyu "My secret to losing 8 kg? Work out crazily, starve crazily"

Source: TV Daily via Nate

"From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed, I did hot yoga, weight training, cardio, choreo rehearsal, and running. For food, I ate once a day which consisted of four quail eggs with no yolk and a cup of milk. But the rest of you don't need to diet to this extent. Having gone through such an extreme diet myself, I've realized that if a diet makes it so hard for you to even hold your body up, you're just ruining your body."


1. [+406, -26] Just eat less. You could cut carbs, flour, and instant food and come out with better results than working out hardcore.

2. [+352, -9] I know that the secret to losing weight is eating less and moving more but I can't do it ㅠㅠ

3. [+232, -11] I get eating crazily but how does one starve crazily ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+25, -23] Can she just be honest and admit that she got cosmetic procedures done with a personal trainer who controlled her food and work outs... Really? She ate only four quail eggs a day? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I assure you that naive people will believe her and try it themselves.. ㅠㅠ Please add to your explanation that you got fat transplants and did other procedures to lose that weight ㅠㅠㅠ ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+20, -2] Please stop talking about cutting carbs. It's the sole source of energy for your brain. Just eat less in moderate amounts and move more actively.

6. [+7, -0] For celebrities, one diet can be the difference between landing a CF worth several hundreds of thousands of dollars so of course they have to go on extreme short term diets to lose weight fast but non-stars don't need to do that. Just eat moderately and exercise and you'll at least be average.

7. [+6, -0] Soyu seems like she works out consistently so why does she still gain weight like earlier and then makes up unreasonable diets for herself? I'm sure she has to eat a lot to fuel her choreo practices and weight training.

8. [+5, -0] Reminds me of what Jessica said... that she exercises to death and eats only to keep herself from death...


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