14 Haziran 2015 Pazar

Actress Kang Hye Jung touches on the reality of Korean actress diets

Article: Kang Hye Jung "Korean actresses and starving to diet... poor weight loss"

Source: Newsen via Nate

"One of the things that women are always doing every day is dieting. They're always fighting against food and the urge to eat. I'm the same. To put it bluntly, what the majority of Korean actresses do to diet is starve. There's nothing that makes you lose weight faster than starving. Starving, however, is a poor form of weight loss. You need proper exercise in phases to give your body familiarity with the regime. And when you starve, you can't just flat out starve. You need to supply your body with sugar. I personally drink coffee with sugar and still have managed to lose weight."


1. [+250, -6] People who say they're starving but don't lose any weight are just lying about it and eating secretly.

2. [+203, -8] This is actually one of the most honest dieting articles by a celebrity ㅋㅋㅋ a good body is made up of 70% food control + 20% exercise + 10% good genes

3. [+116, -30] I used to think she was so pretty during her 'Old Boy' days but I don't think she can turn back time after failing her jaw surgery ㅠ

4. [+12, -1] The reason you shouldn't starve is because your body and brain needs carbs to function. When you starve, you get dizzy, right? It's because your body isn't getting the carbs it needs to make energy. It can't turn your fat into energy so it uses the protein stored in your muscles. You end up losing muscle but keeping all the fat... and then when you start eating again, it starts storing everything as fat, which is what causes the yoyo effect.

5. [+9, -0] She's right about it being a poor form of dieting... you end up losing weight in places you don't want to and your body just looks uglier as a result of it.

6. [+8, -6] Don't most stars just starve and get carboxy shots to manage their weights? I wonder how many actually work out to be fit? You can tell which bodies are a result of working out and which are a result of medical help... the way their arms are shaped are different.

7. [+4, -0] Diets are normally 70% food control and 30% exercise. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you exercise if your food intake is the same. You just end up being a healthy pig...


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