16 Haziran 2015 Salı

Seo In Young says she can't do diets

Seo In Young featured as a guest on KBS 2TV's 'Hello' on June 15 and surprised everybody by revealing how much she ate despite her slim, fit figure.

One problem sent in by a viewer of the show was, "After my family commands me to eat a late-night snack, they are mean to me when I actually eat."

Hearing this, Seo In young stated, "That frustrates me. I don't like it when people tell others to do this or that when it comes to eating." The MCs asked, "You're mostly the type to give stress rather than receive stress, right," making everyone laugh.

She went on, "Firstly, I have tried diets, but I can't control myself when there's something I want to eat, and though it may seem unexpected, I eat a lot. My male friends are always surprised."

What are your thoughts on dieting and eating what you want when you want?


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