3 Haziran 2015 Çarşamba

KARA reveal how they remain slim

Is the focus only on KARA's bodies these days?  On SBS's 'Choi Hwa Jung's Power Time,' the girls answered questions about a successful and effective method of dieting.

Gyuri said, "The members diligently did pilates," while Seungyeon added, "Hara and I did both pilates and horseback riding.  In my case, I cut off milk.  I know that I'll eat a lot when we make a comeback, so I diet before the comeback."

Hara said, "Rather than dieting, I put a lot of effort into making sure I eat healthy food. These days, I feel the need to eat vegetables, so I am deliciously enjoying vegetables."

Honestly, a healthy diet is probably the best one!


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