26 Haziran 2015 Cuma

Dispatch tags along to Youngji's pilates training

Article: "Anyone can get an S line if you copy this" Youngji's pilates-made body

Source: Dispatch via Naver [waaaaaaay more pictures in the source]

1. [+1,827, -74] I heard pilates is good for people with bad posture because it uses equipment... but it's so expensive ㅜㅜ but looking at this makes me want to try it more

2. [+1,782, -94] Shows that you need money to lose weight ㅎ

3. [+1,630, -123] So many embarrassing poses in the pictures... wouldn't have hurt the cameramen to pan out more from the side instead...

4. [+897, -22] Looks like an expensive pilates class. I wonder how much a class with that type of equipment costs? I want to try it ㅠㅠ

5. [+662, -76] I like some weight on the thighs

6. [+519, -12] With all those leg twists she has to do, no wonder she lost all that weight

7. [+444, -45] Girl groups seem so hard on themselves when it comes to managing their weights... I bet you have to say farewell to chicken as a girl group ㅠㅠ Proves that beauty isn't earned easily~ so much suffering they have to go through

8. [+394, -45] These pictures were taken from selfish angles with no consideration to Youngji at all. I'd be upset if I were her and saw these.

9. [+372, -29] Quite cool of Goo Hara to get her dongsaeng a pilates membership

10. [+430, -93] I'm glad she has a female trainer, not a male. Some of the poses are quite embarrassing, can't imagine doing them in front of another man... Amazing of Youngji to work out so hard like this.


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